Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Kids at the Ritz

As all of you know, I am a BIG fan of New Kids on the Block.. Go ahead and chuckle... But they seriously kick ass!! The shows are just full of adreneline and just can't get enough.So, we heard they were in Atlanta rehearsing before the concert on Thursday. I pick Amanda up at work on Tuesday night and we head to Lakewood. Well we know the park a good bit so we tried to get in anyway we knew how. The golf cart guy wasn't being nice so a couple of girls were in a parking lot so we started hanging with them. More blockheads~what great peeps..Donnie had tweeted earlier that two chicks got in and were sitting on the stage with them so that’s what gave us the idea to come down... uugghh~so jealous!! So none of us were getting in, Security was Tight!! We sat and tried to get the band by tweeting to come let us in. Angela flooded Donnie’s page by saying the police came which they did, but they just asked us if we were lost… lmao!

We waited and cars starting coming out, but we couldn’t really tell it was any of the guys. One of our fellow blockheads followed a van to the Ritz Downtown, but it wasn’t who we wanted it to be.

The cars started dwindling and a black hummer pulls out and Jeanine starts to follow but they turn into the gas station and pull into the parking lot. It was two of the band members. Ebassman and Colorblind Fish. So, it was totally cool to meet them. As I was searching for my camera and jumped out of the car~at first look I thought it was Donnie but I soon realized it wasn’t. So, we get home about 2am… I have a 6:30am meeting so I was beyond tie-yard..

Day 2 or Wednesday

We decided to try again. We are determined to get our Face Time. We know several of the blockheads that we met last night are already in the parking lot. Once we got to Lakewood our ole trusty parking lot was kind of full, so we pull into a neighborhood behind Lakewood and park and we hear them rehearsing. Well more blockheads start showing up, but we are so excited and just talking about all NKOTB stuff. About 10:30pm, the police come rolling up… Oh shiat!! He tells us the neighbors complained that we were trespassing, not that we were yelling as they would get finished with songs, but trespassing. Come on now, we were in the dog poop area. Lol

He tells us we need to leave at 11pm. So, we listen until they finish and we speed to the parking lot to see who is coming out. My friend Jeanine had binoculars so we were ready. We see a van pull out and see three heads in the back, so off we go. We just know this has to be them. We follow them to the Ritz downtown and it was just some regular guys. Bummer….. Well then we decide to go to the Ritz Buckhead.

Jeanine calls and says she is going back to Lakewood and then we call Stephanie and she is having a fit that Danny had just pulled out of the parking lot where we had parked. Crapola… we were pissed but they told us he was in a Red Ford Edge. So, we get off at Lenox and Amanda is about to turn left and I tell her I think it’s to the right and as she turns right-there is the red Ford Edge. OMG~she blasted the gas… whoa!! So, we follow them right to the Ritz and Amanda is like get out, get out. So, I get my camera and Danny gets out and gets his stuff and tells the crowd which isn’t big~lets make this easy and fast. You could tell he was SO TIRED…. I asked him if he was tired and he said oh yeah. So, as Amanda gets parked we get a snapshot with him. We are just in pure disbelief. Timing is everything… Just one second more and we would have missed him. He really seemed so nice.

I then call Stephanie and she tells us that her and Jeanine are following Jon and Joe and they are on the way to the Ritz. We were freaking pumped…. We wait and here they come. Jon gets out and yells… “hey guys” and bounces in the hotel. I got a quick snapshot of him. No one else really got a good pic…

Then Joe gets out and people just start crowding him, so he signs a couple of autographs and poses for a couple of pics but then goes in the hotel. I tell you, seeing his baby blues up close~OMG~he is FINE~~

Our friend Jeanine decides to check into the Ritz so we were able to go in and hang out. We got pics with all of the band and YoungQ told us that Donnie was in work mode and wasn’t stopping anytime soon…. **heartbreaks** We kind of figure Jordan is with Donnie.

About 2am or so, we decide to call it quits. The next morning we hear Donnie went out to the parking lot at Lakewood and took 15 girls to the Waffle House.

Oh well, I feel blessed to get the Face Time we did get. If it is meant to be, then it will happen.

To end the stalking blog, we had an awesome two nights/mornings of fun and getting to meet other blockheads. We are truly an army!!
Amanda, Danny and myself...

Jon jumping out and running in the hotel

Joe with those baby blues


About Me

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I am a fun loving girl that loves to laugh. I enjoy following around 5 guys from Boston. I have throughly enjoyed getting to know lots of great friends through them. So lucky to be alive and enjoying life.