Thursday, January 29, 2009


I have decided instead of a dating blog, I am just going to blog about some of the things I am doing. Since I haven’t been doing much dating. I am trying to get back into the scene, but kind of happy where I am right now.

Before the end of the year, the ex called and we have started chatting and hanging out a little. It makes me feel good that he feels he can still come to me for a little pep me up. When we were married, he used to get depressed some and I would always make him feel better. So, I am just going to let things be. I feel like God placed him back in my life for a reason.

Tomorrow I am going to a hockey game with Cuz…. aka Chris. Chris is known by two of my best friends. He is Jason’s cousin and is one of Joe’s best friends. So, we tried to go out before but he canceled and then I canceled the second time. I know Chris is a good guy and everything, but think that I want to be friends and feel like he wants more.

So, we will see what happens tomorrow. I am ready to see some fights on the ice… This will be the first to see the Gwinnett Gladiators.

Amanda and I are going to see New Kids in March. I feel like such a tweener since I still like them, but they freakin rock! Donnie is finnnee!! So, I am looking forward to that! March 11th can’t get here quick enough.

I will update after the game!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Catfish Charmer!

This one I call Catfish Charmer! Steve messaged me on sometime last year and I am just getting around to blogging...So, I ended up finding him on MySpace and we messaged back and forth for a while. Started texting. We talked on the phone for a while and he seemed to be ok. One thing though is he couldn't spell and that is a pet peeve of mine. I mean even the smallest words, he had a hard time with. But sometimes, people have a hard time~so I tried to look past it.We ended up meeting at Jim N Nicks. He calls me and tells me he is sitting outside waiting for me. So, I park and start walking. As soon as he sees me, he stands up and I get blinded by his Gold catfish charm on his gold rope necklace. I mean, it was blinging.... I give him a hug and we sit down. To add to his necklace, he is wearing a vacation t-shirt with fishing lurges on it. OMG!! The whole time we are eating, he is just staring at me telling me how sparkly my blue eyes are and how my eye shadow really makes my eyes stand out. Is he just fishing for comments or something??? lolSo, this is Friday night and Saturday is the GA/Ala game. So, I ordered a blackout shirt from online but it didn't get here in time. So, I was in search for a shirt. I tell him this and he's like I want one too. Can I go to your party with you with us wearing our matching shirts?? He asks if he can go at least 4 times. Nicely I tell him, that I want to get to know him first before introducing him to my friends. So, he pretty much insists that he drives me across the street to the sporting goods store to see if I can find a shirt. He opens the door for me and everything. Anyway, we go get shirts and they didn't match exactly.... whew... So, he is wanting to go for another drink. We drive around and finally ended up at Applebees. He is just really a bore. I am trying to think of what I can say to end this date. Luckily I was sick, so I used that.So, he walks me to my car and I take off. I don't even get to the red light and he has texted me. "So, do you think you want to Date Me??" I didn't even respond, he texted the same message again for a total of 3 times, before I answered. Nicely I tell him, I want to get to know you more before anything is decided.

Then it is Saturday and I am watching the game with a bunch of friends. He continues to text and ask if I miss him as much as he misses me?? Lmao!! Hell no, I don’t miss him. I don’t know him, I am pretty rude in my response. He still doesn’t get it.

Everyday, he texts me a picture of flowers or himself…. It is cool that he thinks of me, but too many he crossed the line on the self portraits…

Anyway, I meet him one more time. I figure what the heck, one more chance… Nah! Couldn’t do it. So, I deleted him off my MySpace page and he finally got the hint after not responding to his texts. He still sends me forwards or holiday greetings. He was a good ole country boy, but not for me…

The catfish got me…. Hook~ line~ and sinker!


About Me

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I am a fun loving girl that loves to laugh. I enjoy following around 5 guys from Boston. I have throughly enjoyed getting to know lots of great friends through them. So lucky to be alive and enjoying life.