Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Alarm Clock Dude

I got on this new dating site called Plenty of Fish. Several guys responded to my ad. A majority of them are either Mexican or African American. I am not prejudice, but I prefer white guys. So, this one responded and he seemed really nice through e-mail. Then, we talked and texted and still seemed ok. We met at PF Changs at Perimeter. I think after all I have been through, I just go with the flow. I don’t really get nervous about dates anymore. So, I walked up and he was on the phone. He waved and held his finger up like just a minute. That is fine; it was more like 5 minutes. I was like WTF…. Don’t leave me hanging. My first impressions are ehh, not bad, but not my type. No wanting to jump on him or anything…. Lol He didn’t even have cologne on. That was a disappointment.

So, we go on to order and having an ok conversation. He works at an airport in Gwinnett County and is training to fly (or be an airplane mechanic) so he is very detailed and just had a blah personality. When they brought out the food, he had a fit about the plates being square or octagon…. Lol

I was like~come on now. I said you have never seen any plates that are shaped out of the ordinary?? Nope. I think he got sweet and sour shrimp and they brought the shrimp out on one dish and the rice in another. He just piled them on the dish they brought to combine and eat off of. I was so embarrassed. They were clinging and clanking…. At least we were outside. I haven’t told many people this because this topped the cake. He was coughing and let one slip out. OMG~I had to turn my head because the smell was freakin fierce. After that he burps and doesn’t say excuse me or anything. I was in pure disbelief…..

We get done and he pays the bill. It is getting late and I say I have to go. I give him a quick hug and say peace out!! So, the next morning as I am doing my hair~I hear my phone go off and I have a different tone for a text message or a picture~so I know it is a picture and know it is from him. Well I go check it and it is a picture of his alarm clock that says 5:32am. Just thinking of you!! Ok, WTF!! I was like come on~I guess it is nice that he was thinking of me, but why send me a picture of his alarm clock??? Did his alarm clock go off and he turned over, got his phone and was like she is going to love this???? Eeehhh……

So, after that I just couldn’t talk much to him anymore. Oh and I forgot he called me Jen….. No one calls me anything but Jennifer except my close friends and family. That just really irks me….. So, he keeps sending me pictures of himself smiling or holding up signs. Just couldn’t even get into this. He finally got the hint after I cancelled on him a couple of times and I deleted him off my MySpace page. Adios to the alarm clock dude!!
P.S. The pic is one of those random ones he sent me. He has a mullet wig that he probably wears to the club or something thinking he looks hot! Not-lol

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About Me

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I am a fun loving girl that loves to laugh. I enjoy following around 5 guys from Boston. I have throughly enjoyed getting to know lots of great friends through them. So lucky to be alive and enjoying life.