Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Relay for Life

Me with Luke and Vic during Luminary Ceremony. One of my fave parts of Relay
He is so hot, I can't stand it.

The first lap of Relay lead by Cancer Survivors

Our campsite

Amanda and Pat grilling Hot Dogs that were Yummo!!

Relay for Life was last weekend and gets more amazing every year! I started participating in 2002, but didn't go to the event since it was Amanda and Jason's wedding. But since 2003, I have been the team captain and enjoy it every year.

This year I joined the Steering Committee as a co-chair for the Ceremonies. So, basically we help plan all the ceremonies (opening, luminary, survivors reception and closing). So, needless to say I have been busy and wasn't able to spend as much time with my team as usual.

The Cancer Program team rocked this year. We sold Hot Dogs, Raffle tickets for a Ipod, bracelets and our usual bingo. We made over $600 which is great for one night. Our team raised over $5600. I almost have reached my goal of $500. Only $30 short....

I am attaching pictures from the event. If you would like more information, please visit http://www.cobbrelay.org/ It is a worthwhile cause to raise money for. Everyone has been touched by cancer.

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About Me

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I am a fun loving girl that loves to laugh. I enjoy following around 5 guys from Boston. I have throughly enjoyed getting to know lots of great friends through them. So lucky to be alive and enjoying life.