Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Latest Happenings

Ansley opening her gifts
Valentine Bouquet from Amanda, Jason and Ansley

Happy Birthday Kim!!

Ashley and Mom at Cheesecake

I am so bad about keeping up with the blog. Since my last post, not too much has been happening. Ashley spent the night and we met Lisa, Joe, Avery, Zac, Amanda, Chris, Fred, Mary Sue and her husband at Gumbeaux. I haven’t eaten there in years. I ordered Shrimp and Grits and had the worst heartburn ever! It was fericous! Ash and I had fun, went to Target and bought her a Puppy In My Pocket. We really didn’t do much on Saturday. Jason, Amanda and Ansley came over and she gave us all except Ansley Tattoos. Oh lala! I got a horse on one wrist and a fireball on the other. Nice! She has a airbrush tattoo machine she got for Christmas. Once Ashley was dropped off, we went to Best Buy and Jim N Nicks where they have the best Queso Dip. OMG, it is so good~~I have been craving it since then. Oh I almost forgot, we took the boys for a walk and they did pretty good until we got to a certain house and they went wild because of some other dogs. Ashley had Sanford and it scared her to death, so I took him for a while until she could handle him again. Boy, having 3 dogs on leashes are a big job.

On Sunday, we didn’t go to church because some of my mom’s family came to visit her and my dad. Greg came over and we took the dogs to the park. It was such a nice day. The dogs loved it. He took them all in a baseball field and just let them run. They napped for the rest of the day. Lol

The week was ok, seemed to just drag on. I got sick with a stomach virus on Thursday and didn’t start feeling better until Monday.

Even though I was sick on Valentine’s Day, I got some pretty tulips from Amanda and Jason and then a plant from my mom. I even got a dozen carnations from co-workers, so I lucked out.

I took Monday off and we went to Cheesecake Factory for Kim’s birthday! The food is so so good there. I did pretty good with the dessert. I had a goblet of strawberries… yumm-o.

Last night, I met Brandy and Diane from High School at Texas Roadhouse and caught up. Facebook is so amazing, I think I like it better than MySpace now. Didn’t think I would ever say that, but a lot more people are on it that I know than MySpace.

Oh well, this is all pretty boring probably. I might go out with Chris this weekend, not sure. He sent me a text that he missed me. Sweet, but I just don’t know. I am going to start going back on the dating websites soon, just had to kind of take a break. When it’s time, my prince will come…..

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About Me

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I am a fun loving girl that loves to laugh. I enjoy following around 5 guys from Boston. I have throughly enjoyed getting to know lots of great friends through them. So lucky to be alive and enjoying life.