Friday, February 6, 2009

This weekend was good and scary. My date with Chris on Friday was good. We decided to forgo the hockey game and just do dinner. I was kind of glad, because I was worn out and he said he wanted to take it slow. Not sure why he thought the hockey game was speeding up????? Lol Anyway, he picked me up and brought me a dozen roses. That caught me off guard. I haven’t gotten roses from a guy in such a long time… Made my heart melt a little.. Anyway, I was home by 9pm. I will go off with him again, but just not a spark there. More of a friend spark…

Saturday, I went to Lisa’s pampered chef party and going to have a party later this month. I love that stuff. Later I went to Amanda and Jason’s for grilled burgers which were Yumm-o….

Sunday, I didn’t feel good. Had a real bad headache due to high blood pressure. I didn’t even go to church which I felt like I needed to go, but just didn’t feel like it. I hung around the house pretty much all day except to go to the grocery and etc. I had just taken my bath and already took the dreaded Tylenol PMs; which I am addicted to because of all my transplant meds that I am on.

Anyway, my mom called and said she was on the way to take my dad to the ER for chest pains. My dad is a strong man, doesn’t complain very much and generally will not go to the hospital unless there is a good reason. So, I knew it was serious. I felt like I needed to be with them, but because I was drugged with the Tylenol PMs~I didn’t want to risk driving and falling asleep. So, I just stayed at home and waited for my mom to update me. They ended up admitting him to the hospital and did a heart cath which turned out fine. They think it is either Acid Reflux or lung problems. We are so relieved and thankful that it isn’t his heart. He said he can deal with anything now he knows. His dad died of heart failure, so it scares him….

So, he gets released on Tuesday and they go home to a cold house because the furnace is out.. Brrrrr… They are hopefully getting it replaced today.

Thank goodness it is Friday. Even though I was off for 2 days, this has been the longest, draining week. I am ready for the weekend. Ashley is spending the night and we are going to hang with Amanda, Ansley and Jason. Ash is bringing her tattoo machine to give everyone tattoos.. lol

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About Me

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I am a fun loving girl that loves to laugh. I enjoy following around 5 guys from Boston. I have throughly enjoyed getting to know lots of great friends through them. So lucky to be alive and enjoying life.