Thursday, October 1, 2009

DUI dude

I have been so focused on the boys from the Beantown, that I kinda stopped looking… Ddub is enough for me… lol I wish….

I got onto my usual online dating website and starting lurking and winked at a few cuties. This guy messaged me and asked if I wanted to chat, so I check out his profile and he was ok… He could spell which is hard to find these days.. lmao

We correspond and it progresses to e-mailing. Well, he tells me he has a deep dark secret. So, I said ok~what is it?? He says he got a DUI last year and doesn’t have his license right now. Will get it back this month. So, I say well everyone makes mistakes. Then he says he has another one. That he lives with his parents because the DUI has been so expensive. I mean, I had an ex-boyfriend that got a DUI and it ruined his life for a couple of years. Still isn’t too good, but it is tough to come out of.

Then, we start instant messaging and he tells me he can’t wait to hear my voice and gives me his phone number. I put it in my phone, but have no intentions on calling him yet. Well then the next sentence he types…. But my phone is cut off right now. I haven’t had time to pay the bill… Yea c’mon… Don’t give out your number when your phone is off.. Just play it off sucker.
Then he asks me if I have Facebook and I say yea and he sends me a request. I accept and his first status message says…
“For all you terds that have my phone number my damn phon got turned off today i had to pay the light bill or they were goin to turn the lights off in my trailor phone will be back on thur”

Ok, that’s enough.. trailor… terds… noo…. I have the worst luck attracting the losers!!

Then, I get back on the dating website because I get a message from someone who seems better than the DUI guy.

Well I get a message from Mr. DUI that says well yea, see you are on this website looking for other men. Good luck in your search, must not have been good enough for ya??

My response…
That is how I roll. I don’t put all of my eggs into the basket before I know what might happen. Good luck in your search with your In an Open Relationship according to your Facebook page.

So long loser.. I know I might be harsh, but I can’t have someone like this… I know times are tough, but I need someone who is reliable, not jealous and has a job to where the cell phone never gets turned off…

Dating is so hard in your 30’s.. Not fun. I just want someone stable, fun to be around and loving.. That isn’t that hard, is it


I went to Myrtle Beach with Kim and the kids, my Mom, Aunt Nelda and Blair. I love Myrtle Beach. Have grown up going there since Middle School. We always have a blast. Of course, me living by myself had to adjust to staying with 7 others in a 2 bedroom condo had a breakdown but then had a blast after that. My nephew Luke is hilarious. I am so so glad he went. Had me laughing almost the whole time. He is 16, so I won’t get much more time like this with him. We had a good time overall, but think we might try Orange Beach or PCB next year for different scenery.

Blockhead Fun

Through all of mine and Amanda’s blockhead experiences… we met a couple of girls that are really fun. The boys webcasted their next to last show and so we all got together and watched it and had the best time..

It really seems like we have been friends longer than just since June.

Dana hosted the event and we had NKOTB themed food. Some Waffles, Cheese Grits from Waffle, Boston Crème Pie and etc. We looked at old pics of the boys, played with the dolls and then watched the webcast. One of the funniest NKOTB memories ever….

I love my blockhead girls.

NKOTB Memphis Concert

It had almost been a month since our last adventure. We got our tickets and booked our hotel and off to go to Memphis, TN baby… I drove and it was the longest drive.. Nothing in Mississippi but a Sonic that stunk big time. So, we get to Memphis and scope out the scenery and see if we could get some Facetime. But the venue was on Mud Island and you couldn't really get it to easily.

So, we check in and rest a little and walk to The Peabody Hotel to see the famous duck show which was really neat. The boys were rumored to have been there earlier. Joe was also at Graceland before the show..

We ate dinner quickly and walked backed to the hotel. Got our getup on and off we went. People were really appreciating our hats in Memphis. No hate going on whatsoever. It was a much better environment. The concert was so freakin bad ass…. We were seriously on a high for a long time… Oh well, the tour was almost over so we hoped to get on the cruise in May 2010…. Memphis was a blast, the best beer ever..

Oh, I almost forgot. We were trying to find the bathroom and Amanda’s flip flop busted.. Of course, I come ready and had nail glue but she danced right out of the flip flop and it broke again. Lmao We were so packed in our row, that I had to hold my leg a certain way to fit in.. So, after 2 hours.~I had the worst Charlie Horse ever. After the concert ended, we start walking back to the tram with Amanda barefoot and me limping with my Charlie.. We were dying laughing, then find out the tram was broke so we had to walk across this bridge that was like a mile long with no shoes and a Charlie horse.. Rough, but fun. So, as soon as we get to the street we steal a cab from these two girls and cruise to the hotel.. Best $2 ever… Good times in Memphis. Can’t wait to go back.

We waited on ddub's tweets for the waffle house... We went and it was packed out. Then he tweets he has no voice and needs the rest. I just knew my facetime virginity was going to be taken away that night. But the man has to rest up, so just glad he let us know. We were disappointed but Memphis was banging. We had a bum experience at the Burger King, was kinda scary but we survived...

NKOTB Atlanta Concert

The boys on fire!!

Me and Amanda--My hat is blinging!! lol

Wish he was blowing me a kiss, but close enough
After stalking the beantown boys for two nights, we were so worn out. Poor Amanda wasn’t able to take little catnaps like I could. So, I headed home that afternoon, took a power nap. Got ready for the concert with my wonderful hat Angela made me… I was going to be smokin’ in it… lol Well it started raining on the way. So, I was worried about my hat getting wet but it didn’t.

We had 4th row seats, so we were pumped up!! We got a daiquiri and made our way to our seats. Watched a little bit of the Jabbawockees and then Jesse McCartney came on.. Wow, he is one hot boy.. Yes, I know he is young, but his music will make you dance…

So, while he was on… I get poked in the back.. like excuse me… So I turn around and this lady asks me to take my hat off because she couldn’t see.. I was like umm, you all are sitting down. Get up and you might could see. I wasn’t rude at all. I basically said this is what I had it made for and turned around.. I wanted to get my facetime witch.. So, I turn back around start dancing again and Wownch.. again with the poking. This time I turn around and someone else is asking me to take it off… Sorry ladies. No can do!!

The concert starts and wow the NKOTB are so freakin hot.. Jordan checked my hat out and smiled and Ddub pointed at me--like Oh yea--I likey!! So, it was all worth it. I may have gotten looks and pokes-but Ddub saw me. and that is all that matters. I didn’t want the night to end. We were on such a high and instantly wanted to go to more concerts..


About Me

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I am a fun loving girl that loves to laugh. I enjoy following around 5 guys from Boston. I have throughly enjoyed getting to know lots of great friends through them. So lucky to be alive and enjoying life.