Thursday, October 1, 2009

NKOTB Atlanta Concert

The boys on fire!!

Me and Amanda--My hat is blinging!! lol

Wish he was blowing me a kiss, but close enough
After stalking the beantown boys for two nights, we were so worn out. Poor Amanda wasn’t able to take little catnaps like I could. So, I headed home that afternoon, took a power nap. Got ready for the concert with my wonderful hat Angela made me… I was going to be smokin’ in it… lol Well it started raining on the way. So, I was worried about my hat getting wet but it didn’t.

We had 4th row seats, so we were pumped up!! We got a daiquiri and made our way to our seats. Watched a little bit of the Jabbawockees and then Jesse McCartney came on.. Wow, he is one hot boy.. Yes, I know he is young, but his music will make you dance…

So, while he was on… I get poked in the back.. like excuse me… So I turn around and this lady asks me to take my hat off because she couldn’t see.. I was like umm, you all are sitting down. Get up and you might could see. I wasn’t rude at all. I basically said this is what I had it made for and turned around.. I wanted to get my facetime witch.. So, I turn back around start dancing again and Wownch.. again with the poking. This time I turn around and someone else is asking me to take it off… Sorry ladies. No can do!!

The concert starts and wow the NKOTB are so freakin hot.. Jordan checked my hat out and smiled and Ddub pointed at me--like Oh yea--I likey!! So, it was all worth it. I may have gotten looks and pokes-but Ddub saw me. and that is all that matters. I didn’t want the night to end. We were on such a high and instantly wanted to go to more concerts..

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About Me

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I am a fun loving girl that loves to laugh. I enjoy following around 5 guys from Boston. I have throughly enjoyed getting to know lots of great friends through them. So lucky to be alive and enjoying life.